Campeche` Cove is proud to list local businesses that have done work in the neighborhood and local services that do business with our neighbors. This page is created so that we can share their services with our fellow homeowners.
Please Contact Us for more information.
Home Improvement & LandscapingHome Improvement, Roofing, Decking, Landscape and more.....
Company Name: Carreon Lawn Service
Contact Name: Juana Ruvio Phone: 409-750-9076 or Cell 409-443-1080 Specialty: Lawn Service $20 and Up; Move, Edge & Blow; Trim Trees; Palm Tree Trimming; Maintain Flower Beds; Plant Grass; Bark Mulch; Weed-Feed Control; Hauling Available. Company Name: Genesis Pest Control
Contact Name: Jose Portillo Phone: 409-457-5160 Address: 2903 Flower Creek Lane, Dickinson, TX 77539 Specialty: Pet Control. Residential and Commercial. |
Real Estate & InsuranceReal Estate Agents that have done or are doing business in the Campeche` Cove neighborhood.
Company Name: Sand 'N Sea Properties, LLC
Contact Name: Andrea P. Sunseri Website: Phone: 409-370-0088 Cell or Text [email protected] or [email protected] Specialty: Real Estate Company Name: Ira Levin Insurance
Contact Name: Ira Levin 1715 Tremont (23rd Street) Galveston, TX 77550 Phone: 409-763-5200 [email protected] Specialty: Residential Property Insurance |
Local ServicesLocal Services include Pet Sitting, Pet Supplies, Travel Agents, Caterers, Wedding Venues, Vendors, etc....
Company Name: Sunburned Pup
Contact Name: Rick Steely Website: Phone: 409-771-6160 c[email protected] Specialty: Online Specialty Pet Supplies Delivered to You. Company Name: Scentsy Independent Consultant
Contact Name: Spencer Priest Website: Phone Number: 409-771-5699 [email protected] Specialty: Home fragrances, essential oils, warmers, diffusors, home cleaning, laundry, lotions and bath items. Company Name: Jack's Pub Seawall
3802 Cove View Blvd, Suite H Galveston, TX 77554 Jack's Pub Seawall Phone: 409-497-4372 Specialty: Come hang out for drinks and grab a bit to eat. If you've not had the pizza, you're missing out! Company Name: Aqua Nails & Spa
Address: 3802 Cove View Blvd, Suite G Galveston, TX 77554 Phone Number: 409-539-5535 Hours: Mon-Sat: 9am-7:30pm, Sun 10am-6pm Specialty: Solar Nails, Acrylic Nails, Manicure, Spa Pedicure, Waxing, Facial, Foot Massage, Eyelash Extension |
Campeche` Cove Homeowners Association will not be held liable or responsible for any dealings with any business or service listed on this page. Any agreement or business interaction is between the homeowner or occupant and the business. Listings appearing on this page were submitted by the individual business or service.